Which? Undercover Report….154 reasons to support your local independent retailer!

The team from Which? visited 154 stores with questions about HD televisions and personal video recorders (PVRs). Staggeringly, only 8 of the outlets were rated as

Which? said, “We found alarming examples of bad advice which if followed would have left customers buying the wrong size or type of machine and spending more than they needed.”

Comet and the Curry's chain came out the worst in terms of product knowledge.

At Moss of Bath, we firmly believe that being a 'specialist' retailer is one of the keys to success and we strive to ensure that our customers receive an unrivalled level of service.

Moss of Bath has a highly motivated and enthusiastic team of staff who demonstrate excellent product knowledge and individually are encouraged to develop specialist areas.

The full report is available on the Which? website.